【Professional Edition】
2.硬 度 高:成膜物硬度可達7-9H實現有效物理保護,可抵禦外力對油漆的損害。
3.亮 度 高:成膜物無色透明,晶瑩剔透,膜層表面光亮平滑,有一定覆蓋能力,可充分體現漆面的光亮,又不會產生衍射。
4.安 全:本產品配方設計時就考慮到施工安全,膜層不會龜裂,固化過程前慢後快,比同類產品固化慢,更易擦拭乾淨,但固化時間受空氣溫度濕度影響,所以施工前請在漆面小範圍實驗後決定擦拭時間,擦拭後2個小時內不要碰水,膜層徹底固化大約2天左右,所以請一週後再洗車(理論為一週,實際2天後洗車也不會有大問題,但盡量避免)。附氣溫與擦拭間隔時間對照表。
1.洗 車:將車輛徹底清洗乾淨。
2.去 污:用去污劑將漆面柏油污垢清除並清洗車輛。
3.去 鐵 粉:用鐵粉去除劑溶解漆面部分鐵粉後沖洗乾淨,再用黏土將漆面顆粒徹底去除並清洗車輛。
4.拋 光:將漆面拋光,建議使用鏡面拋光劑將漆面拋亮。若無去污劑和鐵粉去除劑等藥劑和工具,可以直接拋光,但應按拋光粗、中、細的順序依次對漆面進行拋光,拋光後清洗車輛。
5.脫 脂:用脫脂劑將油漆表面的殘留拋光劑等脂類和有機矽類物質清除乾淨。若無脫脂劑直接鍍膜也可以,但鍍膜壽命可能會縮短。
6.鍍 膜:先將鍍膜劑滴5滴左右於鍍膜海綿表面,塗於漆面40CM*40CM見方,先橫塗再直塗,塗滿後計時,待用毛巾擦拭時有輕微阻力感時將漆面擦亮(阻力不宜過大及時間不宜過長)。記住此時間長短,整車按此時間長依次從前往後,從上至下進行鍍膜施工。
7.檢 查:認真檢查全車漆面,以免有殘留鍍膜劑固化後影響美觀。
8.等 待:施工完成後,須將車輛在室內停放2-3小時後方可交車,期間不宜沾水、觸碰。
SiO2 Fluoro結晶鍍膜劑固化時間指導
1.SiO2 Fluoro結晶鍍膜劑的固化速度與溫度和濕度成正向關係,即溫度及濕度越高,固化越快,固化時間越短。
2.固化時間,是指將SiO2 Fluoro結晶鍍膜劑塗抹到車漆表面,至鍍晶劑表面開始乾燥的時間。
成分:76% SiO2 Fluoro等多種配方
Wash the car: clean the car thoroughly.
Remove stains: Use stain remover to get rid of dirt and asphalt and clean the car.
Remove brake dust: use the brake dust remover to solute some part of carbon or brake dust and wash clean. Then use the clay to thoroughly clean the particle residue and clean the car.
Polish: Polish the car paint, suggested to use the polishing wax. If there is not stain remover or brake dust remover tools or detergent, it can be polished directly. But should choose the compound to precede polishing work from coarse, medium to fine consistency in order then finished by wash the car.
Degreasant: Use the degreasant to remove the polish residue and other organic silicon material on paint. If there is no degreasant application, coating can still be applied but it will not be as effective as it should be.
Coating: Firstly drop 5 drips to the applicator sponge and wipe horizontally then vertical direction to the 40cm*40cm squared area.
After this step, calculate the cure time and use the clean towel to wipe on surface to check if there is any resistance then polish the paint. Remember this timing then use this timing to apply the coating to the whole car from front to back and top to bottom
Checking: Do a thorough check the entire car paint to see if there is any solidifying coating residue.
Waiting: After the coating complete, the car needs to be parked indoor for at least 2-3 hours before hands back to customer. During the waiting time, do not use any water to the car nor touch the surface.
Product name:Vanguard inorganic crystals coating-for glass
Origin:Made In Taiwan
Ingredients: 76% Sio2 fluro
Use it under the cool and shade with good ventilation.
Please wear gloves when apply it if skin sensitives or need to use for long time.
Please seek doctor immediately and do not force to emetic if ate the product accidentally.